SST Laboratories Siege Automaton E54, "Bastion"
- Bio -
Base of Operations:
After a frontline combatant from the catastrophic Omnic Crisis, this inquisitive Bastion unit now investigates the world, fascinated by nature but wary of a fearful humanity.
Originally created for peacekeeping purposes, Bastion robot components possessed the special ability to quickly reconfigure themselves in an assault-cannon mode. But throughout the Omnic Crisis, they had been turned against their individual makers, forming the majority of the omnics’ rebel army. To this day, Bastion units symbolize the horrors of this battle.
1 unique Bastion unit, seriously damaged in the last battles of the war, was left abandoned for more than ten years. It lay dormant, exposed to the elements and rusting while character gradually reclaimed it. Overgrown with roots and vines and nested upon by small animals, the robot sat inert, apparently unaware of the passage of time. With its battle programming all but lost, it rather displayed an intense curiosity about the natural world and its inhabitants. This curious Bastion porn unit set out to explore its environment and discover its purpose on a war-ravaged planet.
Though”Bastion” seems to be gentle–benign, occasionally –its core battle programming takes over when the unit senses danger, using its entire arsenal to get rid of anything it perceives as a threat. This has resulted in cases of conflict with the few people it’s struck, and has driven it to avoid populated areas in favor of the wild, uncharted areas of the world.
Before we examine what Heroes counter Bastion we ought to understand a number of his flaws and strengths. The overall approach to bastion is among the easiest in Overwatch, nevertheless, It is easily countered with the ideal Bastion Hero Counters. Bastion Counters chiefly Long array Heroes such as Widowmaker, hanzo and maybe even junkrat. Certain instances heroes that will get behind bastion such as tracer and reaper, can hurt bastion Weak stage making them excellent Bastion OverWatch Counters.
Bastion is a fanatic with just two chief kinds of harm. The first being a rather portable form having a submachine gun, the next being a completely static turret transformation. These two function in impressive ways, and has to be used to their fullest.
This turret transformation has among the maximum damage per second output signal in the total Overwatch porn game, having the ability to melt down and shred through protects and Tank personalities alike. The first being immobility, which makes you become a simple target for extended range Heroes. The next and largest is really a weak point that seems on Bastion’s back facet in turret configuration, heroes that can readily get behind you can kill you fast with this feeble point. Like genji, tracer and maybe even reaper if given the opportunity are exceptional Bastion Counters.
Configuration: Recon
- Damage : 20
- Ammo Size : 8 rps
- Rate of fire : 20
- DPS : 160
- Cooldown : 2 sec
- Hotkey : Left mouse key
Configuration: Sentry
- Damage : 20
- Ammo Size : 8 rps
- Rate of fire : 20
- DPS : 160
- Reload speed : 160
- Hotkey : Left mouse key
- Recon to Sentry Cast : 1 sec
- Time :0.5 sec
- Sentry to Recon Cast : 1 sec
- Time : 0.5 sec
- Hotkey : Shift
- Heal Amount : 25%
- Cast Time : Channeled
- Cooldown : 1 sec
- Hotkey : E
Configuration: Tank
- Damage : 205
- Armor HP : 150
- Duration : 8 sec
- Cast Time: 1 sec
- Self Damage : 35
- Hotkey : Q