Akande Ogundimu
- Bio -
Base of Operations:
Recently freed from imprisonment, Doomfist is determined to plunge the world into a new battle he believes will make humankind more powerful. Being in prison for a long time many started to think that doomfist has gay inclinations therefore people started to look for doomfist gay porn or overwatch porn doomfist getting fisted. As you will see in your doomfist porn videos and gifs we cannot say that Doomfist is gay he is bisexual. You will see videos with Doomfist banging Widowmaker or Doomfist and Mercy porn but you`ll also see Doomfist banging Lucio or Reaper.
He trained in African American fighting styles, such as Dambe and Gidigbo, in addition to in wrestling and other modern combat systems, integrating the best techniques into his repertoire. Ogundimu competed in tournaments all around the continent, using his instinct and ability to read opponents alongside his enormous speed and strength.
His firm’s cybernetic prosthetics enabled him to recover from his injuries, even making him more powerful, but these improvements left him ineligible for competition. He strove to dedicate himself to his business with the same zeal he needed for fighting, but he found nothing that would fill the emptiness… before he had been given a new chance by Akinjide Adeyemi, better known to the world as the next Doomfist, the Scourge of Numbani.
Adeyemi offered Ogundimu the opportunity to fight him as a mercenary. Initially wary, Ogundimu confessed, and found that he had an arena where he could unleash his improved capabilities. Finally, Adeyemi brought him to the Talon organization. Talon’s belief that humankind could be made stronger through battle resonated with Ogundimu’s personal experiences. Moreover, Talon’s power battles presented a new challenge that enabled him to use his talent in the boardroom together with his adorable as a combatant.
Adeyemi was a helpful asset to Talon, but the company saw much greater potential in Ogundimu, with his intelligence and his ability to inspire as a commander. While Adeyemi was pleased to gain from raids on Numbani, Ogundimu had a grander vision. This difference in aspiration would direct Ogundimu to kill his teacher and take on the mantle of Doomfist, together with the eponymous gauntlet.
Since the new Doomfist, Ogundimu climbed high in Talon and helped to orchestrate a battle which the organization hoped would engulf the world. He was imprisoned at a maximum-security centre for years, where he waited patiently for occasions he had incited to perform.
Finally, he felt that the time had come for him to return. He broke out of his prison and recovered Doomfist’s gauntlet at a one-sided conflict with Numbani’s recently unveiled OR15 defense robots. Now, he’s retaken his location in Talon’s inner council, ready to ignite a war that will consume the planet once more.

Hand Cannon

Seismic Slam

Rising Uppercut

Rocket Punch

The Best Defense...

Meteor Strike
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