Hanzo Shimada
- Bio -
Base of Operations:
Mastering his abilities as a bowman and an assassin, Hanzo “Gay Porn” Shimada tries to prove himself as a warrior without peer.
The Shimada household was established centuries ago, a clan of assassins whose power grew over time, enabling them to create a huge criminal empire which profited from lucrative trade in arms and illegal materials. As the eldest son of the family’s mind, Hanzo porn was bound by duty to succeed his father and rule the Shimada empire. From a young age, he had been educated for that obligation, demonstrating a natural aptitude for leadership and possessing an innate comprehension of strategy and tactics.
Upon the death of his father, the clan elders instructed Hanzo to straighten out his wayward younger brother so that he, too, could help rule out the Shimada empire. When his brother denied, Hanzo was made to kill him. This action broke Hanzo’s heart and drove him to reject his father’s heritage, ultimately causing him to abandon the clan and all that he had worked so difficult to attain.
Now, Hanzo travels the world, perfecting his skills as a warrior, Trying to restore his honor and put the ghosts of his past to rest
Hanzo is considered a difficult defense hero to perform, That combined with powerful Hanzo Hero Counters that take advantage of his weaknesses very readily. Since the overall plan for Hanzo is to hang back and toss of arrows, combined with scaling walls for great positions that allow for much greater damage output. Hanzo Counters are heroes that have some type of Crowd Control or CC and those who have higher mobility/gap close abilities. Winston, Genji as well as Tracer are one of the finest Hanzo Counters offered in overwatch.
Hanzo has a high quantity of burst damage at close range to mid variety. A single well-placed arrow in the Storm Bow, together with a fast melee attack, can instantly kill many offensive personalities like Tracer and Soldier 76. Scatter Shot can quickly one most squishy aims and deal a great deal of damage to Tank Heroes such as Reinhardt and Roadhog.
Hanzo can shoot an arrow straight up into the sky and it is going to return down just 20 sec later. So that you can time Sonic Arrows on defense and have up 2 from the time enemies spawn opens upward. The secret is to set up this arrows right before the enemy spawn doors.

Storm Bow
- Fire Rate : 1/second
- Max Damage : 120
- Hotkey : Left mouse

Sonic Arrow
- Cooldown : 20 seconds
- Hotkey : Shift

Scatter Arrow
- Damage : 75 per arrow / 5 arrows
- Hotkey : E
- Cooldown : 10 seconds

- Damage : 125 per second
- Hotkey : Q