Gabriel Reyes
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Base of Operations:
Some talk of a black-robed terrorist known only as the Reaper. His identity and motives are a mystery. What’s known is that where he seems, death follows everyone that’s after reaper porn knows that.
The Reaper is a very volatile mercenary, a ruthless and remorseless killer responsible for terrorist attacks throughout the world. He’s fought in several armed conflicts in the past decades, showing no loyalty to any cause or business.
Survivors have described a black shadow ghosting unscathed through the most hellish battlefields. The few bodies recovered of those he kills are light, empty husks drained of life, their cells showing signs of extreme degradation. It’s possible that he’s a byproduct of genetic alteration which compels his cells to concurrently decay and regenerate in a hyper-accelerated pace (that’s what he likes to do in his grim reaper porn).
Those attempting to monitor his movements have begun to see a pattern in his looks. They think that Reaper is searching former Overwatch agents and systematically removing them.
Reaper is one of the most powerful close ranges Offensive heroes in Overwatch porn. There’s also no personalities who can take care of a reaper near range 1v1. The overall plan for Reaper is getting up close and coping substantial amounts of damage, he can accomplish this with his Shadow Measure Ability. This capacity permits reaper to flank the enemy and kill low hp targets, prior to going invulnerable with Wraith Form. He does have flaws and particular heroes are powerful reaper counters. McCree porn hero is one of those Reaper Counters, largely because of his Flash-Bang Stun. This capacity permits McCree to do the damage required to kill Reaper until he can use his wraith form.
When playing reaper, Players should concentrate their gameplay around Wraith Form’s cooldown. If Wraith Form is off cooldown, it is possible to play more aggressively and even suicidal, because you have it accessible to escape just about any bad sustain if necessary.
When Preparing an ambush with Reaper Ultimate (Death Blossom), start looking for ledges or other high areas which you could jump from to get right into the center of the enemy team prior to activating your Ultimate.
Reaper’s high damage output makes him a excellent counter to durable characters such as Winston or Roadhog. Consider using Reaper if up against multiple Tanks.
Reaper is generally not effective as a simple Assault hero such as Pharah porn goddess or Soldier: 76. Instead, use a mixture of Shadow Measure and side routes to carefully move behind your opponents so you can ambush them with your Hellfire Shotguns. Having good knowledge of each map and learning where Reaper can use Shadow Measure effectively greatly increases his usefulness. Don’t be reluctant to spend some time at a Custom Game on each of the maps finding out where Shadow Measure can take you.
Try to concentrate your gameplay around Wraith Form’s cooldown. When Wraith Form is off cooldown, you can afford to play more aggressively, because you have it accessible to escape if necessary. When Wraith Form is on cooldown, play more defensively and do not take unnecessary risks.
When flanking, seem to pick off only targets as opposed to charging into a group (unless Death Blossom is accessible ). While Reaper is stronger than other flankers, his lack of in-combat freedom means he relies solely on Wraith Form to escape, and its short duration means that enemy personalities can follow and kill you easily if you are too far away from your team.
It may be tempting to use Death Blossom when at low health, because this would remove the resources of the damage you are taking. Never do this. The enemy team will focus on you when you use it, and Death Blossom ends immediately when Reaper expires.
When ambushing with Death Blossom, start looking for ledges or other elevated areas which you can jump off of to get in the center of the enemy team prior to activating your Ultimate. Always use the element of surprise in your favor.
When Reaper reloads, his magazine refills very quickly after reloading – about at the stage gay Reaper fully releases his shotguns and they drop out of his perspective – meaning you do not need to complete the animation. Taking an action aside from shooting (entering Wraith Form, with a fast melee attack, etc.) at the present time the ammo counter indicates a complete magazine of 8/8 allows for less time viewing a futile animation and a quicker response time, which can be useful against targets like Reinhardt and Roadhog who can kill you as you’re vulnerable reloading.

Hellfire Shotguns
- Damage : 2-7 per pellet
- Count : 20 pellets

Wraith Form
- Duration : 3 seconds
- Cooldown : Shift
- Hotkey : 8 seconds

Shadow Step
- Cast Time : 2 seconds
- Cooldown : 10 seconds
- Hotkey : E

Death Blossom
- Duration : 3 seconds
- Hotkey : Q