Soldier: 76
Jack Morrison
- Bio -
Base of Operations:
Currently the goal of an international manhunt, the vigilante called Soldier: 76 porn hero wages a private war to expose the truth behind Overwatch’s collapse.
Soldier: 76 revealed himself in a series of attacks that crisscrossed the world, targeting financial institutions, shadowy corporations, and protected Overwatch facilities. Though to the outside world his motives are inscrutable, there are people who claim he is a former Overwatch representative, decided to shed light on the conspiracy which brought down the business.
While his true identity remains a mystery, he’s thought to have been trained as a member of the American”soldier improvement program.” He owns physical capabilities exceeding those of a traditional soldier’s, in addition to other augmentations which make him a peerless combatant. Additionally, he uses a cutting-edge arsenal, much of it stolen in raids on Overwatch installations.
Unrelenting in his hunt to find those responsible for Overwatch’s fall, Soldier: 76 gay porn will stop at nothing to bring them to justice.
Soldier 76 is among the most recognizable and standard heroes within overwatch. Soldier 76 has the capability to Heal himself along with other friendly heroes close to him, this gives him a big advantage over other offensive personalities that have more selfish abilities. The overall plan for Soldier 76 is to deal damage from a distance, setting your biotic area for recovery once and while even if it’s only for your own teammates. Despite the fact that soldier 76 has plenty of strengths that he also has his flaws, these come ni the kind of Soldier 76 hentai counters. Heroes such as Roadhog and Genji make for some the ideal Solider 76 counters in overwatch.
A trusted supply of constant dps, a powerful AoE heal, and an occasional rocket burst damage make Soldier: 76 that the very good offensive hero. Alongside a Reinhardt or some other frontline enthusiast, 76 can push or shield objectives with comparative ease, while pressuring snipers and bothersome Pharahs in the skies.
- A trusted supply of continuous damage, a reliable AoE heal, and an occasional strong burst create Soldier: 76 the very definition of frontline existence and attack. Alongside a Reinhardt or some other frontline enthusiast, 76 can push or shield objectives with comparative ease by mowing down anyone in his path, while pressuring snipers and Pharahs.
- Soldier: 76 is a excellent addition to any group. His lack of escape tools makes him effective at flanking than heroes such as Genji, Tracer, or Reaper porn. He consequently tends to serve his group best by staying together and helping them out with suppressive fire from his thick Pulse Rifle, and recovery with his Biotic Field.
- Soldier: 76 does his best work when he assails out of a defensible position on high ground, ensuring that strong close-range heroes can not easily reach him, giving him cover from return fire, and enabling him to easily target his Helix Rockets.
- Soldier can sometimes branch away from his team and assault from another place, using his Biotic Field to sustain him, if it means finding a fantastic vantage point from high ground. Prepare yourself to Sprint back to the security of your team if a person comes to bargain with you, however, since Soldier does badly in close-range engagements, and the diversion alone can sometimes be sufficient for his team to make profits — but not if Soldier dies, where the loss of his harm will be sorely felt.
- Adjust the speed you fire your Heavy Pulse Rifle depending on the variety you are fighting at. Use fully automatic fire when fighting up close and at moderate range, and fire in three-round bursts at long range, exploiting the Heavy Pulse Rifle’s perfect precision for the first 3 shots in a burst.
- Get in the habit of using Sprint whenever you are not in combat, as it provides you a major mobility advantage over many of the heroes in the video game. You are able to Sprint indefinitely, so don’t be worried about overusing it.
Drop Biotic Field at the beginning of a struggle to give yourself continuous recovery. This may give you a big wellness advantage, particularly when facing multiple opponents. - Helix Rocket can deal heavy damage if it directly hits an enemy. Attempt to lure your opponent around a corner and then fire the Rocket when they turn it.
- While Tactical Visor can be a strong Ultimate, bear in mind that it does not make your shots any more damaging than usual. Barriers will still block your bullets, and enemies will still take the same quantity of damage to kill as before. It’s ideal to use it on enemies that are distracted by a different member of your group like Reinhardt or Winston, enabling you to fire with impunity. Make the most of the perfect precision it provides by keeping your distance from the enemy group, making it more difficult for them to hit you.
- Tactical Visor will always aim towards the body of whoever is targeted, preventing headshots on the vast majority of heroes. It’s ideal to use Tactical Visor on smaller, more nimble enemies such as Tracer or Pharah, as opposed to on Tanks like Winston, as it is possible to deal more damage by aiming at their big heads manually.
- Tactical Visor completely reloads Soldier’s gun, so in case you run out of ammo, you can use it to keep pressing on your assault. It can be a fantastic idea to put down a hail of fire to weaken your foes before using Tactical Visor’s free reload to keep your attack, but ensure it has not scared them into cover, where Tactical Visor will be of no assistance. Furthermore, notice that Tactical Visor immediately presents yourself as a prominent goal, so using the element of surprise and engaging enemies at longer ranges is generally superior to racing into quarters and shooting indiscriminately.

Heavy Pulse Rifle
- Damage : 6-19
- Rate of fire : 8.77 per second
- Reload time : 1.5 sec
- Ammo : 25

- Hotkey : Shift

Biotic Field
- Duration : 5 seconds
- Healing : 50 per second
- Radius : 5 yards
- Cooldown : 15 seconds
- Hotkey : E

Helix Rockets
- Damage : 120-80
- Cooldown : 8 seconds

Tactical Visor
- Duration : 6 seconds
- Hotkey : Q